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Fun With Fitness: These are fun light and easy low impact aerobics, chair work, dynabands, and hand held weights. This classes are designed for people over 50. These classes are ongoing throughout the year unless it is a legal holiday. There is no registration for any of these classes, you pay as you go.
Fun With Fitness: Hillcrest – Classes are every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 9:30 – 10:30. The classes are held at Church of Western Reserve at Fairmount and Lander Circle. The cost is $5.00.
Fun With Fitness: Euclid – Classes are every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 11:00 – 12:00. The classes are held at River of Life Ministries Church – 24600 Lakeshore Blvd. The cost is $5.00
Fun With Fitness: Warrensville – Classes are every Tuesday and Thursday from 9:15 – 10:15. The classes are held at Aldersgate United Methodist Church, 4069 Eastwood Road, Warrensville Heights. The cost is $3.00
Fun With Fitness: Shaker Heights – 3450 Lee Road at Chagrin Blvd. A senior class with aerobics, chair work, dynabands, and hand held weights. This class is broken down into 6 week sessions throughout the year. The classes are almost every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 – 10:00 at the Community Center. Call 216-491-1295 to register or for any questions.
Line Dancing: Mayfield Heights – Community Center on Marsol Road. Register on line at the City of Mayfield Heights website. A fun way to get fit and challenge your mind is to do rhythmical patterns while learning line dances that you will be able to do at weddings and parties. The classes are held on Friday mornings in 8 week sessions. The classes are from 9:30 – 10:30. Call Therese 216-291-3902 for cost and to register.
Fun With Fitness: South Euclid – at the Community Center, 1370 Victory Park Road. This light and easy senior class is sponsored by the Tri-City Consortium. The classes are every Wednesday morning from 10:30 – 11:30. The cost is $2.00 and you pay as you go.
Fun With Fitness: South Euclid – at the Community Center, 1370 Victory Drive. These senior classes are sponsored by the Tri-City Consortium and are held every Thursday morning from 10:30 – 11:30. The cost is $2.00 and you pay as you go. Just come and have fun.
Fun With Fitness: East Cleveland – 799 East 82nd Street. This fitness class is sponsored by Fun With Fitness and Project Hope of St. Philip Neri Catholic Church. The classes are every Monday from 12:00 – 12:45 and the cost is free. Just come and join the fun! Class is open to all fitness levels.
Fun With Fitness: Mt. Alverna in Parma – at 6765 State Road. This fun and easy class is held in 6 weeks sessions for $32.00 throughout the year. Call 216-402-0555 to register. Feel free to drop in anytime to try the class.
Fun With Fitness: The Beachwood Community Center located on the corner of Richmond and Fairmount Roads. The class consists of Low impact aerobics, chair work, weight work and some dynaband work and yoga. Classes are every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 9:00 – 10:00. It is a $4.00 charge and you pay as you go. Call Beth Parnin for questions: 216-402-0555.
Fun With Fitness: University Heights – Gesu Church, 2450 Miramar Blvd. Light and easy fitness class for the members of Gesu Church. Class meets in the church hall from 10:30 – 11:15 on Monday mornings. Cost is $4.00 per class. Call Beth at 216-402-0555 for more information. These classes are open to all parishioners.
Fitness Aerobics: Tri-C College – Eastern Campus, 4250 Richmond Road, Highland Hills. This class is part of the Encore Program for seniors. The class offers aerobics and resistance training all in one. Friday afternoons from 2:00 – 3:00. Call 216-987-2323 to register.
Beginner Line Dancing: Tri-C College – Eastern Campus, 4250 Richmond Road, Highland Hills. This class is part of the Encore Enrichment Program for seniors. This class offers all the basic steps of line dancing. The class is held from 1:00 – 1:50. Call 216-987-2323 or check the Tri-C website.
Combo Class: Board of Education Building – corner of Richmond and Mayfield Roads Register at the Selrec Community Center. This fitness class is for everyone. There is aerobics, toning, floor work and stretching all in one class. These classes are on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 6:30 – 7:30. Call Beth at 216-402-0555 for cost and any questions.